Tuesday, November 27, 2007


1. How well is IT supporting the business goals of BellSouth?

-The business of BellSouth is good and well maintain because of the information technology & it is "in" the market and they bring more savings to their company... The technology gives the compony more investment to other network bebause of the good way of handling the company. Information Technology today brings alot of people to be more open to the technology in these time and bring more to the other company the biggest investment through internet and other networking servises.

2.Is BellSouth's technology transfer map a good way to determine IT investment priorities?

-YES! Because in the good reason BellSouth corporation campany is bigger and have many investorts because they thouht that costomers is the way of getting the highest 'bet' to handling the population of making the company to be known and bring alot of investors in different country. And the way of investing the company projects is the way of acrossing to the other country so that it will be more popular.

3. What else could BellSouth do to Guarantee the strategic business value of potential IT investment Projects?

-I think BellSouth company is the best as I visit thier website thier company is good and well miantained and thier company is wonderful... Their strategies on handling thier company is grood and I tell you again I would be happy if thier company will be more popular to the market and invest it to the other country even here in the Philippines.